Heading Downtown for the Night? Get Your Own Limo!
With the holiday season coming up, there is a ton to do in Downtown Detroit. From all the various plays, concerts, and sporting events, it seems like there’s always a good reason to dress up and head downtown with some friends for the night. If there isn’t an event coming up that peaks your interest, why not just get a group together and head downtown for a nice dinner and night on the town? Whatever your motivation may be, it’s always best to plan how you’ll be getting there and back home ahead of time. With a bigger group, it can be a real hassle to call cabs to come out to the suburbs and shuttle people downtown. Since you really want to have a great time and spend time with great people, reserving limo service in Downtown Detroit is the best option. Aside from just being a ton of fun in and of itself, getting your own limousine for your next downtown adventure has a ton of benefits as you will see below!
1. Safety First
First and foremost, having your own limo guarantees you won’t have to worry about drinking and driving once you are ready to head back after an unforgettable night out. Your professional limousine chauffeur will be waiting for you at whatever time and place works best for you! Knowing this, you can focus more on having the best time possible with your closest friends right up until you are ready to head home. Even after the show is over or the bar closes, the fun doesn’t need to stop!
2. Your Own Limousine Experience
With your professional chauffeur taking care of things up front, you are free to enjoy yourselves in the back. With some planning ahead of time, you can make your own special playlist to fit the events of the night! Going to see your favorite band downtown? Make a playlist of their hits! Heading to a Red Wing’s game? Make sure to have a playlist of your favorite hockey pump up jams! For whatever the event may be, you can tailor your limousine experience to fit the mood. You can also arrange to have some beverages and snacks of your choice waiting for you when the limousine arrives, when it picks you up at the end of the night, or both!
3. Cost Effective
With the right group of people, you can make having your own limousine for the night a cost effective experience. When you factor in the cost it may be to get taxis for your whole group to head downtown, it is easy to realize just how affordable your own limousine really is. In addition, the amount of fun you can have in a limousine compared to a taxi is well worth a few extra dollars each!
Reserve Limo Service in Downtown Detroit
To learn more about limo service in Downtown Detroit, contact Rochester Limousine today! We have an extensive line up of limousines and years of experience in the industry!